
Beautiful Places, Beautiful People: Part 1

Beautiful Places, Beautiful People:  Part 1

It’s good to be home after just under 4 weeks “on the road, in the sky, from sea to shining sea.” Blessed beyond with so many beautiful places and beautiful people, my words and photos will only begin to convey how soul-refreshing these four weeks have been.

This journey began on July 20, when we flew to California a few days early for our week of speaking at Forest Home’s Family Camp. While enjoying the delightful hospitality of our dear friend Wendy Turney, we were able to spend time with some treasured mentors and friends.

Only God

Only God

August has flown by, which is consistent with the beat of the whole summer. When the family camp program was canceled at CBS back in late December, we had no idea what the summer of 2017 would look like. We weren’t concerned that we’d be twiddling our thumbs, quite honestly, but we couldn’t have imagined then the opportunities that have unfolded for us. “Only God.” Indisputable.